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Accelerated training – Incoterms: Choosing the right one

Take full advantage of the new Incoterms 2020 Virtual activities and content The workshop will be held in French.

Principal Sponsor


Why take this accelerated Incoterms training?

Since January 1, 2020, the Incoterms have been extensively revised. It is essential for exporters to keep abreast of these changes, which take place every 10 years, for smooth trade dealings.

On December 1, take part in this 1.5-hour virtual training session to learn about the changes made to the new Incoterms and their consequences on your contracts and international development.

About Incoterms:

Incoterms are a set of international commercial terms that spell out the rules used in international and domestic trade. They prevent confusion in trade contracts and agreements and protect buyers and sellers by clarifying their obligations.

This accelerated training will allow you to learn more about:

  • Impact on contracts and transfer of ownership
  • Objectives, structure and sensitive points
  • Items not covered by the Incoterms
  • Incoterms 2010 compared to 2020: withdrawals, additions and changes
  • Obligations and responsibilities of buyers and sellers based on the chosen rule
  • Export and import customs clearance
  • Documentation requirements

Who is this accelerated training session for?

  • Managers, executives and financial analysts
  • Procurement managers and heads
  • Operations managers and heads
  • Sales managers and heads
  • Business development managers and heads
  • Managers and heads of transport, export and import activities

After you register, you will receive two confirmation emails. The second will be sent a few days before the virtual activity. It will include the Zoom link for joining the webinar on the day of the activity.


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Contact et informations

By phone:

514 871-4001

For further information

Dina Mansour
Advisor, International market development
514 871-4002, ext. 6218

Please note that no exchange or refund will be accepted following your purchase.

In collaboration with:

Acclr International Trade Services’ activities receive financial support from Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions.

Affiliated with the World Trade
Centers Associations


Canada Economic Development   World Trade Centers association (WTCA)

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