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The Private Sector Liaison Officers Network (PSLO Network) is a network of over 160 business intermediary organizations (chambers of commerce and industry, business and trade associations, investment promotion agencies) in more than 100 countries, designed to facilitate World Bank Group (WBG) communications with the private sector. The World Trade Centre Montréal has been actively involved with the WBG for over 15 years; it is an official member of the PSLO network. The PSLOs’ role includes: facilitating local companies’ contact with the WBG and providing access to WBG business opportunities; acting as the voice of their national private sector in advising the WBG on how to better engage companies on development issues; and disseminating WBG knowledge and research of interest to the private sector.
PSLOs organize a number of events throughout the world with the support of the WBG, including:
At the Chamber, the Acclr team includes a PSLO to help facilitate your company’s internationalization by providing access to the World Bank’s calls for tender. Contact our PSLO to use her services or to learn more about the ways in which a PSLO can provide support for your dealings with the World Bank.
Louise Lauzon Head, International Market Development 514-871-4002 #6227 Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal
Database of active and pipeline projects; access to procurement notices and documents
Lists of projects in pre-preparation phase
Corporate consulting opportunities with the WBG
Investment and advisory services
Political risk insurance guarantees
Policies and Procedures
Administrative Opportunities
Consulting services for the WBG
Detailed information on WB prior review contract awards
Open financial data and visualization of contract awards information
Geo-localization of WB-financed projects
Country Partnership Frameworks
Introduction to the World Bank Group, operational and corporate procurement, and overviews of sectors and regions
Free certificate program in public procurement via online courses
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