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Vision and Outlook on Free Trade Agreements

Jean Charest, Monique F. Leroux and Pierre Pettigrew speak out. Events Speech language: to be confirmed

Principal Sponsor


  • Jean Charest Premier of Québec (2003-2012)
    McCarthy Tétrault
  • Monique F. Leroux, C.M., O.Q., FCPA, FCA Chair, Economic and Innovation Council
    Chair of the Board, Investissement Québec
    See biography
  • Pierre S. Pettigrew
    The Honourable Pierre S. Pettigrew Former member of Parliament and federal cabinet minister
    Executive Advisor, International,
    See biography

Three eminent personalities from the political and business worlds will discuss the future of free trade agreements and their impacts on international trade. While the entry into force of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) will provide easier access to one of the most important markets on the planet, the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union has added a dose of uncertainty. The rise of protectionism in the United States is likely to have a significant impact on NAFTA, but the concrete implications for Québec’s companies and cooperatives remain unknown.

  • In a global economic context marked by uncertainty, what should Québec businesses and cooperatives expect?
  • What business opportunities relating to these agreements can be anticipated in Europe and in North America?
  • How can Québec businesses and cooperatives get ready to take advantage of them?

Jean Charest, Pierre Pettigrew, and Monique Leroux share their vision and their outlooks during this business luncheon.

This meeting is being held as part of the annual congress of the Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité (CQCM), which is partnering with the Chamber for the organization of this event hosted by Michel Leblanc, President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal.


Members Non members
Ticket(s) $95 * $135 *
Table(s) $855 * $1350 *

Contact et informations

By phone:

514 871-4001
No reservations, cancellations or refunds after the registration deadline. Participant substitutions are accepted at no extra charge until the event is held. Please note that only substitution notices sent by email at will be accepted.


Omni Mont-Royal

1050 Sherbrooke Street West
Montréal, QC

Peel, Bonaventure

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A unique opportunity to…

  • Hear our guest specialists’ vision on current and upcoming issues for the global economy
  • Assess the potential of developing your business abroad
  • Network with members of cooperatives and private enterprises
  • Meet several decision-makers interested in international markets.

Who should attend?

  • Cooperatives and private companies
  • Businesses with international activities
  • Businesses planning to expand onto foreign markets
  • International business advisors
  • Foreign investors and fund managers
  • Students and researchers in the fields of international economics and politics

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Acclr, through its international trade department, receives financial support from Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

Affiliated with the World Trade
Centers Association


Canada Economic Development   World Trade Centers association (WTCA)

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