Office space in downtown Montréal: how to stimulate synergies and attract new businesses study

The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal is proud to present Office space in downtown Montréal: How to stimulate synergies and attract new businesses , which is an exclusive study conducted as part of the I like working downtown initiative and is a continuation of the study Relaunching downtown Montréal in an environment undergoing profound change: Strategies for leveraging new ways of organizing work and consumption downtown , released on February 25, 2022.

The study focuses on a major and decisive issue in the revival of the downtown area, namely, the management of surplus office space in downtown Montréal. In particular, it documents business needs, surplus workspace capacity, effectiveness of the processes in place, and real estate opportunities that can be leveraged to facilitate the transition to new ways of organizing work.

In addition, the report takes stock of how the situation will likely change over the coming year, makes recommendations for employers, tenants and office space owners, and announces the implementation of Espaces et cie, a user-friendly site for leasing and subletting office space in downtown Montréal, developed to:

  • Help employers manage their downtown workspaces;
  • Facilitate the utilization and optimization of downtown office space;
  • Enhance the supply of shared workspaces in the downtown area;
  • Increase downtown office occupancy;
  • Encourage collaboration and synergies between companies of complementary sizes, functions and sectors.

About the study

Office space in downtown Montréal: How to stimulate synergies and attract new businesses is an exclusive study that documents business needs, surplus workspace capacity, effectiveness of the processes in place, and real estate opportunities that can be leveraged to facilitate the transition to new ways of organizing work. Conducted by Idées FX on behalf of the Chamber, the study takes stock of how the situation will likely change over the coming year, makes recommendations for employers, tenants and office space owners, and announces the implementation of a technological solution to help employers manage downtown workspaces.

The study was conducted with funding from the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation as part of the I like working downtown initiative and is a continuation of the study Relaunching downtown Montréal in an environment undergoing profound change: Strategies for leveraging new ways of organizing work and consumption downtown.

About the "I love working downtown" initiative

“I love working downtown” is an initiative of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal carried out with support from the Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation. Its objective is to accelerate the revival of downtown Montréal.

DOWNLOAD THE STUDY (IN FRENCH ONLY) Consult the highlights (in French only)

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