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The GDP is the value of all goods and services produced by an economy. It generally takes into account household consumption, fixed capital investments, government spending, and net exports.
This data is provided quarterly by the Conference Board of Canada in annualized form. Annualizing quarterly data (multiplying it by four) makes it possible to compare quarterly performance with the annual result.
The data is also deseasonalized, eliminating the impact of seasonal variations and making it possible to compare data throughout the year.
GDP figures are expressed in constant 2002 dollars. This gives us what is commonly known as the Real Gross Domestic Product, eliminating the fluctuations resulting from inflation.
The GDP is the value of all goods and services produced by an economy. It generally takes into account household consumption, fixed capital investments, government spending, and net exports.
The data for the 5 census metropolitan areas (CMA) is provided quarterly by the Conference Board of Canada in annualized form. Annualizing quarterly data (multiplying it by four) makes it possible to compare quarterly performance with the annual result.
The data is also deseasonalized, eliminating the impact of seasonal variations and making it possible to compare data throughout the year.
GDP figures are expressed in constant 2002 dollars. This gives us what is commonly known as the Real Gross Domestic Product, eliminating the fluctuations resulting from inflation.