Building a prosperous city for the benefit of every neighbourhood

Montréal and the metropolitan area are reaping the benefits of a favourable economic environment. The city has a high concentration of talent, dynamic leading-edge sectors and a business base with confidence in its abilities. Plenty of development projects could take shape in the next few years. It is time to put in place the conditions to speed up investment and create quality jobs.

The report Building a prosperous city for the benefit of every neighbourhood, submitted to Montréal Mayor Valérie Plante on October 22, is the result of deliberations and efforts over the past few months to study ways to improve the vitality, agility and performance of the economic development of Montréal and guide the Ville de Montréal in pinpointing strategic projects.

Montréal East is a priority

Redeveloping large lots of land in Montréal East is a priority. It is time to generate a recovery in this part of the city, given that the new government has made a public commitment to make it a priority and has promised public support to rehabilitate the land.

Montréal has had a number of successes and has proven its ability to develop effective economic hubs. A dynamic, welcoming downtown is the most striking example of this. But other cases also stand out, including Technopôle Angus, the result of the hard work of a developer who became an agent of urban change, Technoparc Montréal with its 125 businesses, the Quartier des spectacles, the result of a vision of the Ville de Montréal that received support from the provincial and federal governments, the Quartier de l’innovation with the ÉTS as a pillar, and Mile End, which has been transformed over the past 20 years, ever since Ubisoft made it its home.

There are many successes in Montréal neighbourhoods and they must continue. But the Ville de Montréal has to show determination like never before in helping the eastern portion of the island fulfil its economic development potential. It needs to show leadership by rallying players around a clear, bold vision. The territory has tremendous potential, and everyone’s contribution, whether from the public or private sector, will be needed to ensure success. To accomplish this, the Ville de Montréal should bring together stakeholders as part of a systematic coordination and tracking process to encourage cooperation and ensure strategic projects are accepted by the community.

The Committee is confident that by having a bold vision and adopting an agile approach on the ground, the Ville de Montréal will be able to maintain the city’s momentum. Its report contains 13 recommendations broken down into four areas to help it do just that:

  • Structuring projects and the development areas to prioritize;
  • Accelerating real estate investment and the city’s economic development;
  • Speaking with a strong, unified voice in the interest of the city;
  • Adapting to the economic development opportunities available to Montréal.

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