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The 2015-2020 Metropolitan Economic Development Plan: A clear and coherent vision of economic development

Montréal, April 30, 2015 – The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal welcomes the launch of the 2015-2020 Metropolitan Economic Development Plan (MEDP). It is a plan that is in keeping with previous economic development strategies presented by the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM). “This plan paints a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the Greater Montréal region, sets realistic goals for improving its economic performance, and identifies appropriate guidelines for reaching them, all in a coherent and integrated vision of economic development,” stated Michel Leblanc, President and CEO of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal.


An approach that focuses on the development of areas of excellence and industrial clusters

“The CMM’s strategy continues with a model of intervention through the mobilization of industrial clusters. Much like the CMM, we have seen the effectiveness of clusters in fostering business and job creation, encouraging the development of new products and services, and raising the city’s profile. Industrial clusters are essential in supporting our economy’s innovation and productivity. They can also contribute to the development of the smart city,” said Michel Leblanc.


A plan that reaffirms the importance of improving the alignment between available labour and company needs

The Board of Trade is pleased to note that access to strategic talent remains a priority. “The Board of Trade had proposed, in the Côté-Séguin report, and actively supported the Quebec government’s creation of the Conseil emploi métropole (CEM). The CEM, much like Mobilité Montréal for transportation, ensures that the challenges we face at the metropolitan level are addressed using a metropolitan approach. We welcome the various initiatives the CEM has undertaken and will continue, together with other metropolitan organizations, to improve the alignment between available labour and the needs of business, and, in particular, as regards the matching of training to employment, and the professional integration of immigrants,” added Michel Leblanc.


A plan that aims to increase private investment in the metropolitan region

The Board of Trade is delighted to see that the MEDP has devoted considerable attention to attracting foreign investment in a context of strong international competition. “The MEDP reaffirms the importance of the mandate given to Montréal International to attract foreign investment. But beyond investment from abroad, we must also make sure that local businesses increase their rhythm of investment and augment their productivity,” continued Michel Leblanc.


Collaboration among stakeholders remains essential for ensuring this strategy’s success

“The Board of Trade will continue to support the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal’s efforts to rally the business community. The Board of Trade will also maintain its efforts to further the development of our businesses abroad, one of the pillars that will allow us to increase the prosperity of the Greater Montréal region,” concluded Michel Leblanc.


About the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal

The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal has over 7,000 members. Its mission is to be the voice of Montréal’s business community and to promote the city’s prosperity. It is involved in key areas of economic development, advocating a philosophy of action based on engagement, credibility, proactivity, collaboration and innovation. The Board of Trade also offers a range of specialized services to individuals and to business of all sizes to support them in their growth at home and abroad.


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Michelle LLambias Meunier
Advisor, Media Relations
Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal
Tel.: 514 871-4000, ext. 4042
Twitter: @chambremontreal
Follow the discussion: #ccmmqcca

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