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Trade mission to China: The World Trade Centre Montréal, proud partner of the City of Montréal



Press release 

Trade mission to China:
The World Trade Centre Montréal, proud partner of the City of Montréal

Montréal, February 17, 2010 - In the wake of yesterday's announcement by the Mayor of Montréal about the upcoming trade mission to China, the World Trade Centre Montréal-the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal's team of international trade experts-is proud to contribute to mobilizing the business community, which will be a part of the delegation.

This mission, led by the Mayor of Montréal, Mr. Gérald Tremblay, will take place from May 8 to 14. It will stop in Hong Kong and in Shanghai, as part of the official opening of the Montréal pavilion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai, and the 25th anniversary of the special friendship and business relationship that unites the cities of Montréal and Shanghai.

"The Chinese market is teeming with business opportunities and upcoming major projects. The mission will allow participating companies to make themselves known to authorities, and to meet individually with potential clients and partners. This delegation setting foot on Chinese soil represents the culmination of a series of initiatives put forward by the World Trade Centre Montréal in order to prepare entrepreneurs to successfully position themselves on this thriving market. We invite Montréal-based businesses to take part in great numbers," stated the President and CEO of the Board of Trade and the World Trade Centre Montréal, Michel Leblanc.

Among the steps taken by the Board of Trade's team of international trade experts to help our businesses familiarize themselves with the Chinese market are awareness seminars about the market, the hosting of a business delegation from Shanghai, and the hosting of the Associate General Director of Invest Hong Kong. New initiatives are still to come, namely training workshops, including one on intellectual property in China and another about establishing a company in China, and the preparatory seminar for the mission.

Businesses interested in this mission-which includes, in brief, individual meetings targeted according to company profiles, information seminars, industrial visits, and networking activities-can get further information by visiting the Board of Trade's Website:

This trade mission is organized in a partnership with the City of Montréal, and through the collaboration of Invest Hong Kong.

The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal-through its experts at the World Trade Centre Montréal, and with the support of Canada Economic Development-offers international trade services to the greater business community.


Sylvie Paquette
Coordinator, Media Relations
Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal
Phone: 514-871-4000, extension 4015

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