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Press release: The Board of Trade of Montreal Metropolitan launches the 5th annual Quebec entrepreneurship contest

Press release

A contest for the next generation of entrepreneurs

The Board of Trade of Montreal Metropolitan launches the 5th annual Quebec entrepreneurship contest
- Greater Montreal -

February 20, 2003 – The Board of Trade of Montreal Metropolitan is proud to be associated with the 5th annual Quebec entrepreneurship contest (Greater Montreal). “This contest is a valuable way to promote the entrepreneurial culture and the creation of companies in Montreal,” declared Benoit Labonté, permanent president of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal.

The Board of Trade is coordinating the contest for the Montreal region, which, for this purpose, is divided into four local areas. Participants may register at the SODEC Rivière-des-Prairies – Pointe-aux-Trembles, with the local committee for Montreal East; at the CLD Verdun, with the local committee for Montreal South-West; or at the Société d'investissement jeunesse, with the local committee for Montreal Downtown. In addition to fulfilling its regional role, the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal will also oversee the local committee for Montreal West.

Its two components invite the participation of not only accomplished adults but also enterprising students.

The “Entrepreneurial initiatives” component – An introduction to entrepreneurship within the school environment

The “Entrepreneurial initiatives” component targets primary and secondary school pupils as well as college and university students. It aims to promote an entrepreneurial spirit among members of the younger generation. It is also in line with the new curriculum, as it meets the requirements of teaching by project by encouraging participation and a sense of responsibility.

The “Business creation” component – Acknowledgement and credibility for entrepreneurs

The “Business creation” component targets Quebec residents 18 and up who meet one of the following two criteria: they have plans to create a company that will be launched by December 31, 2003, at the latest, or they have recently launched a company that did not generate income before April 1, 2002.

Last year, there were 426 candidates in all categories in Greater Montreal, compared to just 246 in 2001-2002 – a 72% increase. Organizers expect an equally enthusiastic response this year.

The application deadline for both components is March 31, 2003. For additional information, please visit the contest Web site at or contact your local economic development corporation or employment center (for the “business creation” component) or your educational institution (for the “entrepreneurial initiatives” component).

This contest is made possible by the financial participation of its principal partner (the government of Quebec), its title partner (the government of Canada), its major regional partners (Desjardins and Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton) and its regional partners, the Fondation du maire de Montréal pour la jeunesse and Transcontinental.

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Source: The entrepreneurship contest regional committee (Greater Montreal)

Sylvie Paquette
Coordinator, Media relations
Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal
(514) 871-4000, ext. 4015

Local committees:

  • Comité local de l'est de l'île – SODEC Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles: Ms. Marie-Claude Fontaine, (514) 494-2606
  • Comité local du sud-ouest de l'île – CLD Verdun: Mr. Marc Cloutier, (514) 362-0177
  • Comité local du Centre-ville – SIJ: Mr. Yves Poirier, (514) 879-0558
  • Comité de l'ouest de l'île – BTMM: Ms Louise Lauzon, (514) 871-4000, ext. 4006


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