Mont Royal is a veritable treasure for the city and gives the island its unique character. Residents, downtown workers and tourists can all enjoy this massive natural space, which helps create the quality of life Montréal is known for. Few cities can lay claim to this sort of natural asset.
Mont Royal: central to Montréal’s identity
Mont Royal is a symbol of Montréal for visitors around the world. The light projections for Aurores Montréal, produced as part of the 375th anniversary, are a good example of this. During consultations for the Downtown Strategy, the Chamber pointed to the importance of the strategy covering not just the river, but also Mont Royal.
Mont Royal is a jewel in the crown of Montréal’s heritage that must be conserved. But like any natural setting in an urban area, attention and effort are required to do that.
Network while being part of the conservation of Mont Royal
Every year, Les amis de la montagne brings together hundreds of Montréal business people for a nocturnal snowshoe adventure on Mont Royal. This is a unique opportunity for anyone who wants to help conserve and enhance this Montréal icon.
Close to 600 people will take part, around 100 of them runners in a friendly competition and many walkers for a magical climb up the mountain, lit by lanterns, all followed by a delectable celebration at the majestic Chalet du Mont-Royal.
In 2017, the Tuques bleues benefit will be particularly special, because it will be the event’s 20th edition. The benefit is taking place February 16, with Michel Leblanc, President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal, and Robert Tellier, regional vice-president, group retirement solutions and group benefits, Québec, Manulife, as honorary co-presidents.
Let’s help protect Mont Royal!