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The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal unveils a declaration of commitment to encourage downtown employers to mobilize for the return of their employees to the office

Montreal, July 21, 2021 – The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal today unveiled a declaration of commitment aimed at mobilizing employers and workers in the downtown area to return to the office. Developed as part of the"I love working downtown" initiative, supported by the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation, the declaration of commitment aims to initiate the sustained return of employees to downtown Montreal offices. It is a major step in consolidating the mobilization of downtown actors and stakeholders around the sector's revival. 

"The declaration of commitment addresses one of the most serious issues we identified, which is the need to mobilize the business community to ensure workers return to the office and ensure the downtown's revival. The results of our survey, released in June, revealed that a majority of respondents were eager to get back to the office (53%). Even more, 70% of them said they were comfortable returning to their workplace. We invite downtown stakeholders and employers to implement strategies that will encourage their employees to return to on-site work. The declaration's six core commitments are in line with this and clearly call on employers to demonstrate their commitment to the orientations needed to achieve this," explained Michel Leblanc.

"This declaration of commitment will help raise awareness among the various stakeholders of the importance of ensuring a safe and pleasant return to the office towers. At all times, the safety of workers must remain a priority. We must mobilize to promote a harmonious return to community life in downtown Montreal and thus participate in the recovery of our economy," said Lucie Lecours, Minister for the Economy.

"As part of the I love working downtown project, the Chamber worked on planning the return to the office towers in six core points. As stated in the declaration of commitment, the return will be safe, gradual and flexible. Its success will depend on everyone's involvement,but also on the creation of attractive work environments that will allow employees get back to the office and reclaim the human dimension that has been missing for several months," continued Michel Leblanc.

"The mobilization and collaboration of all downtown stakeholders is essential to the success of the gradual return of workers to the office. In this regard, the Chamber is working with private sector partners to develop a series of tools that will foster the employees' return to the office. I invite the downtown business community and employers to join us in signing the declaration and incorporating these guidelines into their planning for the return of workers to the workplace," concluded Michel Leblanc.

Declaration Commitment
The return to the office towers will be safe
The return to the office towers will be progressive
The return to the office towers will be flexible
The return to the office towers will be everyone's business
The return to the office towers will be attractive
The return to the office towers will allow us to meet again

To consult the declaration of commitment:

About theI love working downtowninitiative
I love working downtown is an initiative of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal carried out with support from the Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation. Its objective is to accelerate the revival of downtown Montreal.

About the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal
With a network of 8,000 members, the CCMM is active on two fronts: being the voice of the Montréal business community and delivering specialized services to businesses and their representatives. With its finger on the pulse of current events, it acts on issues that are decisive for the prosperity of the city’s businesses. With the support of the Acclr experts, the CCMM’s goal is to accelerate the creation and growth of businesses of all sizes, at home and around the world.

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Dominique Talbot
Media Relations Advisor
Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal
Tel: 514-871-4000, ext. 4052

Twitter: @chambremontreal
Follow the discussion: #ccmm

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