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514 871-4000


Accounting recruitment and networking activities

Speed-jobbing interviews and networking Events

Meet 50 immigrant candidates with experience in the field of accounting. Attend a networking buffet with representatives of companies in your sector of activity.

2:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Speed-jobbing

Conduct several short 7-minute interviews with candidates who have been preselected based on your needs and are specialized in the following areas:

  • Accounting Clerk
  • Accounting technician
  • Accounting Analyst
  • Controller, auditor
  • Fiscalist
  • Chief Accountant

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm: Networking

  • Discuss the topic of labour and diversity in the field of international trade with representatives of companies in your sector
  • Meet other candidates to know what your current or future employment opportunities are.

View the photo gallery of various activities held as part of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal’s Interconnection Program.

No reservations, cancellations or refunds after the registration deadline. Participant substitutions are accepted at no extra charge until the event is held. Please note that only substitution notices sent by email at will be accepted.


Delta Montréal

475 President-Kennedy Avenue
Montréal, Québec
H3A 1J7


Get directions

Participation is free of charge but registration is required. Space is limited.


Sarra Mamlouk
Advisor, Interconnection Program
T 514 871-4000 #4064

Global skills. Local resources.

With the financial participation of:

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