A project carried out by Complexe Desjardins

Aimed at reconnecting downtown workers to their community, Les Espaces temps is composed of reinvented immersive spaces set up throughout Complexe Desjardins.

Photo credit: Félix Audette

The project in a nutshell

Les Espaces temps offers workers the opportunity to discover Montréal’s artistic talent through three inspirational creative worlds. Initiated by Complexe Desjardins, SGM and MASSIVart, they are an alternative to traditional workspace design, offering greater balance between productivity and relaxation, sharing and intimacy, cohesion and individuality.

The different immersive spaces allow workers to reconnect with their community and stop time, letting visitors meet up with co-workers for a coffee break or enjoy some quiet time alone.

Three spaces, three experiences

Visit and discover!


April 4 to September 30, during business hours at Complexe Desjardins


Complexe Desjardins, Level 3 (Street)

150 Sainte-Catherine St. W., Montréal, QC H2X 3Y2

Place-des-Arts Station



Production credits

Promoter :

Complexe Desjardins

Project Collaborators:




Karim Zariffa


Judith Portier

See all projects

About “I love working downtown”: A Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal initiative

The “I love working downtown” initiative, carried out with the support of the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation, aims to deploy actions to accelerate the revival of downtown Montréal. As part of this initiative, the Chamber is focusing on supporting creative projects in private and semi-private spaces to enhance the downtown core’s attractiveness as a place to work.

With the financial participation of:

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