Workshop for a successful return – Let’s find work solutions together

Discuss and pool best practices to equip all organizations In-person events The speech will be delivered in French only.

Thursday, November 25, as part of the “I love working downtown” initiative and in partnership with the Québec government and Ville de Montréal, the Chamber is inviting employers to a half-day workshop to explore and discuss possible solutions to organize their employees’ return to the office.

Participate in this collaborative workshop to discuss and pool best practices to help all organizations reorganize work and ensure a safe, gradual, flexible and attractive return.

Join the conversation with other employers facing similar issues and who are working on solutions that could enhance your strategies:

  • Discuss hybrid work solutions to enable a return to the office.
  • Share solutions that have been tested at your company and learn more about those that have been implemented by other companies.
  • Get inspired by best practices already in place at other companies.
  • After the workshop, receive a summary document on the best practices that were discussed over the course of the day as well as solutions to implement at your company.

Free Registration

Who is this activity for?

We want to bring together employers from startups, SMEs and large companies in all economic sectors.

  • Directors and members of upper management who want their companies to implement solutions or who are willing to share the solutions their teams have developed.
  • Managers and members of management who want to better address the situation with their employees.
  • Managers in human resources, finance, IT, communications or operations who want to address the impacts and implications of return-to-the-office strategies within their organization.
  • Individuals responsible for the return in hybrid mode within their organization, who wish to discuss with other professionals, particularly on best practices.
  • Employees who are involved and want to help remove obstacles to the return and to find solutions.

Free Registration

How to participate

  • REGISTRATION: Participation is free. More than one person may represent the same organization. Please note that space is limited.
  • FORM: You will receive an email inviting you to fill out a form in order to create your profile. This will allow us to create effective working groups and to direct the work of the workshop according to each participant’s profile.

We strongly encourage you to extend this invitation to anyone who might be interested or involved in this topic due to the nature of their work and responsibilities within their company.


  • 8:00 a.m.: Doors open and participants are welcomed. Breakfast is served at the tables.
  • 8:30 a.m. to noon: Collaborative workshop.
  • Noon: Lunch and networking.
  • 1:00 p.m.: End of the event.


Workshop for a successful office reopening, Friday, November 25, from 8 : 30 a.m. to noon
Sold out

Contact et informations

By phone:

514 871-4001

For more information

Mariya Dyomina
Special Projects Manager
514 871-4000, ext. 4045


Le Westin Montréal

270,Saint-Antoine Street West
H2Y 0A3


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