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Business Clans – Women inTech Ubisoft

Join a Clan and get connected Events The workshop will be held in French.

Main Partner

Network differently

Business clans are an intensive series of four networking meetings.* At each meeting, you discuss with the same group of 14 to 20 people in order to help each other and create solid business connections.

With the help of a unique algorithm, the connection between the candidates is made according to their specific profile. This gives you the opportunity to exchange with the same small group specially designed for you, at each meeting, in order to maximize the quality of your connections and create lasting links.

Business Clans – Ubisoft Women in Tech Cohort

The CCMM will soon run a Ubisoft Women in Tech Business Clan. The Ubisoft Women in Tech initiative aims to create a framework for exchange and networking around themes specific to the presence of women in tech. Take part in this unique cohort to:

  • Understand, support and encourage the presence of women in the technology sector;
  • Meet, exchange and network with women leaders of all levels and with various careers;
  • Discuss methods for ensuring better representation of women in the technology sector.
For information or registration, please contact Nicole Provençal, Head of Products and Services, at or by phone at 514 871-4000, ext. 4096.


Step 1:

You must first sign up online, enter your information and proceed to checkout.

Step 2:

You will receive a confirmation email in the next weeks with a link to our pairing questionnaire so that we can assign you to the best group for you.

To help us pair you with the right group, please indicate a minimum of three times you are available among the following blocks.

  • Thursday mornings (7 a.m. to 9 a.m.) : April 16 | April 30 | May 14 | May 28
  • Thursday lunch (noon to 2 p.m.) : April 16 | April 30 | May 14 | May 28
  • Friday mornings (7 a.m. to 9 a.m.) : April 17 | May 1 | May 15 | May 29
  • Friday lunch (noon to 2 p.m.) : April 17 | May 1 | May 15 | May 29
  • Tuesday mornings (7 a.m. to 9 a.m.) : April 21 | May 5 | May 19 | June 2
  • Tuesday lunch (noon to 2 p.m.) : April 21 | May 5 | May 19 | June 2
  • Wednesday mornings (7 a.m. to 9 a.m.)  : April 22 | May 6 | March 20 | June 3
  • Wednesday lunch (noon to 2 p.m.)  : April 22 | May 6 | May 20 | June 3

Step 3:

By April 6, you will receive official confirmation of your assigned group based on the availabilities you indicated.

You have until 5 p.m. on March 27 to register. Act now! The first editions were very successful, as you can see from the testimony of a former participant!

The Business Clans are a great initiative that helped me expand my network, seize opportunities and contribute to the success of the participants I had the pleasure of meeting.

- Michel-Olivier Bruyère, A.I.B., RIBO, CRM
Vice-President, Business Development Leader, Aon

The meetings can be held at breakfast (from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.) or lunch (noon to 2 p.m.) every two weeks during April, May and June. The exact dates of your four meetings will be confirmed before April 6 based on the group that best matches your profile, preferences and availability.


Members Non members
Business Clans – Women inTech Ubisoft, Ticket(s)
Business Clans – Women inTech Ubisoft, Ticket(s) $300 * $375 *

Contact et informations

By phone:

514 871-4001

For more information

Nicole Provençal
Head of Products and Services
514 871-4000 #4096

Given the current situation with the suspension of all our events as of March 16, please send your cancellation notice by email to, mentioning the event you were registered for. We will process your request as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


Auberge St-Gabriel

426 St Gabriel
Montréal, Québec
H2Y 2Z9

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