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The Francophonie (OIF) trade and economic mission: Montréal at the heart of the French-speaking economic space

Discover business development and investment opportunities by meeting companies from all over the French-speaking world! Events The speech will be delivered in French only.

Presented by:

OIF business delegation meeting at a glance

On June 11, 2024, come and meet a Francophone business delegation at HEC Montréal, as part of the Francophonie economic and trade mission to North America organized by the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in Montréal and Québec City. The delegation, drawn from French-speaking states and governments in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and the Indian Ocean, will bring together some 100 representatives of selected companies and economic institutions active in the renewable energies (energy transition), digital services (Edtech, Medtech, video games) and agrifood sectors. Representatives of Canada's French-speaking business community will also be in attendance.

With the support of the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec (MRIF) and its partners (Ville de Montréal, Global Affairs Canada, governments of New Brunswick and Ontario), this OIF economic mission aims to strengthen trade and investment links between companies in the French-speaking world. Following their stopover in Montréal, the French-speaking companies will join forces with the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec and Commerce International Québec to visit regional businesses, thanks to the support of Investissement Québec International (IQI). The final leg of the mission will take place on June 13 at the Centre des congrès de Québec, in conjunction with the second edition of the Rendez-vous d'affaires de la Francophonie, organized by Québec International.

The exclusive June 11 event in Montréal offers Quebec companies a unique platform to explore growth and partnership opportunities in a dynamic French-speaking economic environment. Join us to meet French-speaking companies, participate in high-level economic forums and forge strategic, concrete links in the heart of Montréal.

  • The French-speaking world has considerable economic potential, and Quebec must capitalize on this to diversify its markets. Francophonie is:
    • The 5th most learned language in the world and the 3rd most important business language;
    • Over 20% of the world's merchandise trade;
    • 16.5% of the world's wealth;
    • A potential market of 1.4 billion people (18% of the world's population), 321 million of whom speak French.
  • According to projections by the OIF's Observatoire de la langue française, the number of French speakers could reach 750 million by 2070, more than two-thirds of them in Africa, a fast-growing market giving us the opportunity to build business relationships in French not only in Africa, but on all five continents.

This is a unique opportunity to:

  • Understand international French-speaking markets and refine your expansion strategies.
  • Explore growth opportunities in the French-speaking economy, particularly in key sectors such as renewable energies, digital services and agri-food.
  • Establish lasting partnerships through targeted business meetings with international French-speaking companies from Africa, America, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and the Indian Ocean.
  • Expand your international network through effective networking with economic players from all over the world.
  • Discover innovations and best business practices by interacting with companies and experts from the French-speaking world.

What type of business is this activity aimed at?

The aim of this event is to mobilize a variety of Quebec companies looking to grow internationally, and involved in leading-edge sectors, including:

  • Energy transition and renewable energies: Solar, wind, energy efficiency and batteries;
  • Digital services: Education (Edtech), healthcare (Medtech) and video games;
  • Agri-food: Technologies for agricultural production (Agtech) and, more broadly, agri-food (processing, distribution).


*Places limited, only 1 registration per company.
Your registration is subject to our approval before being officially confirmed.
Sold out

Contact et informations

By phone:

514 871-4001

Pour plus d'information :

​Othmane El Fathi
Project manager, International Market Development
514 669-6672

Please note that no exchange or refund will be accepted following your purchase.


HEC Montréal - Édifice Hélène-Desmarais

501 Rue De la Gauchetière O
Montréal, QC
H2Z 1Z5

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In collaboration with:

Acclr International Trade Services’ activities receive financial support from Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions.

Affiliated with the World Trade
Centers Associations


Canada Economic Development   World Trade Centers association (WTCA)

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