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Business Internationalization

Learn effective strategies to stand out. Events The speech will be delivered in French only.

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Strategic Forum – Business Internationalization

Do you want to stand out in international markets or position your export expertise?

On May 29, participate in the essential Forum for all players looking to stimulate their international growth, co-developed by the Chamber, Investissement Québec and the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie.

We know that internationalization can be a difficult and uncertain step, especially in an environment of strained supply chains, rising protectionism and high inflation.

And yet, international connectivity remains key to what makes Montréal attractive and opening up to the world comes with many benefits for our businesses.

Quebec also enjoys an international reputation for the innovative and creative nature of its businesses, its spirit of collaboration and its green economy leadership. This helps our entire ecosystem stand out thanks to its competitive advantages and credibility.

The fifth edition of the Strategic Forum on Business Internationalization will bring together specialists from different backgrounds to provide tools to businesses of all sizes that are looking to expand internationally, diversify their markets and find new business opportunities.

  • A company that wants to grow internationally and develop new markets
  • A provider of support services, financing, legal advice, etc.
  • An academic institution or research centre
  • An international economic development organization

This event is for you!

Participate in this Forum to:

  • Learn about the status of exports and international supply chains
  • Strengthen your presence in strategic global centres and Quebec’s sectors of excellence
  • Acquire tools and inspiration from the real-life examples of companies that have distinguished themselves internationally
  • Find out about the best strategies for international growth and development, the priority markets and their access conditions, as well as the available support resources
  • Expand your network by meeting other companies that are exporting or are looking to start
Icone Micro

Enjoy an interactive experience and take part in informative discussions with our speakers.

Icone Ordinateur

Take advantage of our work spaces for your business calls and meetings.

Don’t miss the chance to stand out thanks to the support of an internationally oriented Quebec business ecosystem. Register now!

Learn more about the program:

7:30 a.m. Coffee, welcome and networking

8 a.m. Welcome by the master of ceremonies

    Erandi Motte CortésSenior Director, International Markets, Entrepreneurship and Business Information
    Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal

Introductory note

    Hubert Bolduc President
    Investissement Québec International
    Éric Dequenne Assistant Deputy Minister – Relations with the Americas, Economic Affairs and Strategic Intelligence
    Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec
    Michel Leblanc President and CEO
    Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal

State of the world stage: adapting your strategy and seizing opportunities

8:10 a.m. – International trade: trends in a changing geopolitical context

Join us for an engaging discussion to better understand the challenges of international trade in the current economic climate.

    Maxime DeaVice-President, Business Relations
    CDPQ Global
    Marie-Eve Jean Vice-President, Exports
    Investissement Québec International
    Ghislain Robichaud Regional Director and Senior Trade Commissioner, Canadian Trade Commissioner Service – Quebec and Nunavut Regional Office
    Global Affairs Canada
    Guy Jobin Vice-President, Business Services – Acclr
    Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal

8:35 a.m. – Identify priority markets

Don't miss this talk presenting the Ville de Montréal's vision and the results of a comprehensive study to determine the best destinations for economic missions for Montreal companies.

    Valérie Poulin Director, Economic Intelligence and International Outreach, Economic Development Department
    Ville de Montréal 

8:45 a.m. – Free trade agreements, levers for your growth: real-life business cases

Learn more about the benefits of free trade agreements, such as product pricing, human resource mobility and access to government procurement, and how they can help your business grow abroad. Businesses will testify to their success which is directly linked to the benefits of these agreements.

    Jean-Pierre Asselin Managing Partner
    Trans-Pro Logistics
    Félix Bélisle-Dockrill Co-Founder & CEO
    Olivier J. Pellerin President
    Dominic Cousineau Director, Exports – United States Markets
    Investissement Québec International

9:15 a.m. – Networking Break


Quebec Inc. DNA: focusing on what sets us apart internationally

9:45 a.m. – Leverage your ESG strategy to stand out

Adopting an ESG strategy is a real asset to position yourself favorably abroad. Learn more about investor expectations and new international requirements.

    Nadine Brassard President
    Commerce International Québec, the Quebec ORPEX network
    General Manager of the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean ORPEX,
    SERDEX International
    Patrice Camus Senior Advisor, ESG
    Investissement Québec
    Jonathan Lévesque Deputy General Manager
    Propulsa Innovation
    Jessica BouchardSenior Director, Content Strategy, Economic Affairs and Downtown Relaunch
    Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal

10:10 a.m. – Take advantage of Quebec's reputation for excellence

Quebec businesses that enter foreign markets have a reputation that precedes them.  Find out how Quebec's commitment, scientific excellence and international values contribute to building its reputation, and above all, how to use this network to achieve your goals.

    Janice Bailey Scientific Director
    Fonds de recherche du Québec
    Nicolas Bossé Chief Energy Transition Officer
    BrainBox AI
    Sophie Fallaha Executive Director
    CEIMIA – International Centre of Expertise in Montreal on Artificial Intelligence
    Hélène Drainville Assistant Deputy Minister for African Relations
    La Francophonie and Multilateral Affairs

10:35 a.m. – Greater Montréal: a strong brand image on the international stage

    Michel Leblanc President and CEO
    Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal
    Mélanie Lussier President and CEO
    Aéro Montréal
    Stéphane PaquetPresident and Chief Executive Officer
    Montréal International

Best practices and resources for international expansion 

10:50 a.m. – Political discussion

    Christopher Skeete Minister for the Economy
    Michel Leblanc President and CEO
    Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal

11:05 a.m. – Success stories: inspiring conversations between businesses and coaching experts

Be inspired by the stories of entrepreneurs who have been successful in foreign markets. Find out about programs and solutions that can help you find the support and guidance you need to build your international development strategy.

    Pier-Luc Laurin Specialist Advisor, Transportation Exports
    Investissement Québec International
  • Accompanied by:
    Christine LatourChief Marketing and Communications Officer
    Catherine Binette Specialist Advisor, Creative Industry Exports
    Investissement Québec International
  • Accompanied by:
    Myriam AchardChief, New Media Partnerships and Public Relations
    Ophélie Pavoine Head, Consulting Services and Export Programs
    Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal
  • Accompanied by:
    Mary-Jo Dorval Founder & Designer of stuff for tiny humans
    Kid's Stuff [Trucs d'enfants]
    Isabelle Dessureault Designated Chief Representative
    Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie

11:50 a.m. – Concluding remarks from the co-developers

    Éric Dequenne Assistant Deputy Minister – Relations with the Americas, Economic Affairs and Strategic Intelligence
    Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec
    Marie-Eve Jean Vice-President, Exports
    Investissement Québec International
    Michel Leblanc President and CEO
    Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal

12 p.m. Lunch and networking

1 p.m. End of the event


Members Non members
Strategic Forum on Business Internationalization – TICKET(S)
Strategic Forum on Business Internationalization – TICKET(S) $350 * $450 *
Strategic Forum on Business Internationalization
Exclusive offer – Book 5 tickets for the price of 4 tickets
Strategic Forum on Business Internationalization
Exclusive offer – Book 5 tickets for the price of 4 tickets
$1400 *
$1800 *

Contact et informations

By phone:

514 871-4001

For more information

Muriel Delamare
Special Projects Manager

No cancellations or refunds as of 48 business hours before the event. Participant substitutions are accepted until the event is held. Please send cancellation notices by email at


DoubleTree by Hilton Montreal

1255 Jeanne Mance Street
H5B 1E5

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    Après le Forum Internationalisation de la Chambre, les bonnes nouvelles se poursuivent pour le rayonnement du Québec hors de nos frontières.
  • Take advantage of the special offer for CCMM participants until March 12 and book your 3-day IMPULSION tickets at the Propulsion Québec member.

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