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Working efficiently with China and the Chinese

Beyond cultural differences Training The speech will be delivered in French.



Members Non members
Ticket(s) $165 * $235 *

Contact et informations

By phone:

514 871-4001

Comments and suggestions

Line Leblond
Project Manager, Training

The workshop expenses are tax deductible (provicial and federal).

The cost of the workshop is eligible as an expense under the 1% Training Investment.

No reservations, cancellations or refunds after the registration deadline. Participant substitutions are accepted at no extra charge until the event is held. Please note that only substitution notices sent by email at will be accepted.


InterContinental Montréal Hotel

360 Saint-Antoine Street W.
Montréal, Quebec
H2Y 3X4


Get directions


  • To understand Chinese business and trade practices which are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and traditions;
  • To build solid business relations with China and the Chinese thanks to a better understanding of their culture;
  • To learn about the business consequences of cultural differences between Quebecers and the Chinese;
  • To improve your Chinese development strategy and increase your business’s chances for success.


  • To better collaborate with your Chinese partners thanks to an understanding of the basics of their etiquette;
  • To communicate, dialogue and negotiate harmoniously with the Chinese;
  • To decipher the motivations and interests of your Chinese counterparts to better develop your negotiation strategies;
  • To anticipate the business consequences inherent to the type of business you are dealing with;
  • To get to know the specificities of the Chinese communities in Quebec and Montréal;
  • To learn by business cases the livings and lessons of Quebec’s companies in China.


  • Anyone intending to develop a presence in China;
  • Businesses with operations in China;
  • Business people called upon to visit Chinese businesses;
  • Executives and engineers involved in projects with China;
  • Businesses and organizations who employ or welcome Chinese people;
  • Entrepreneurs who intend to launch a business on the Chinese market;
  • Individuals who are curious about China and the art of business in this country.

China is in your reach. Seize the opportunity!

The "Exporting Québec" initiative 
is produced in cooperation with:

Official airline of the
"Exporting Québec" initiative:

LaPresse+   AIR CANADA
Acclr, through its international trade department, receives financial support from Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

Affiliated with the World Trade
Centers Associations


Canada Economic Development   World Trade Centers association (WTCA)

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