Accelerators – Incubators
Société de développement économique de Drummondville
- 1400 Jean-Berchmans-Michaud Street
- Drummondville, Québec
- J2C 7V3
Services offered:
Coaching - Consulting services - Financing - Mentoring - Fully equipped offices rental - Facilities and lands search - Industrial incubator - Symbiose industrielle Drummond - Business incubation program - Mon commerce en ligne program - Hiring support - International hiring support
Centre d'innovation en transformation agroalimentaire de Nicolet - CITAN
- 525 du Port Route
- Nicolet, Québec
- J3T 1W3
Services offered:
Food-processing sanitary facilities and equipment rental - Product development-Coaching - Incentive program
Institut national d'agriculture biologique
- 100 Bernier Street
- Victoriaville, Québec
- G6P 2P4
Services offered:
Training - R&D and innovation - Facilities for teaching and research
Carrefours jeunesse emploi (CJE)
Carrefour jeunesse-emploi (CJE) Arthabaska
- 108 Olivier Street, 1st Floor
- Victoriaville, Québec
- G6P 6V6
Services offered:
Coaching - Fabrik-Éco Accelerator - Business start-ups - Hiring support
Carrefour jeunesse-emploi (CJE) Drummond
- 749 Mercure Boulevard
- Drummondville, Québec
- J2B 3K6
Services offered:
Coaching - Business start-ups - Hiring support
Carrefour jeunesse-emploi (CJE) comté Nicolet-Yamaska et MRC Bécancour - Bureau Bécancour
Services offered:
Coaching - Business start-ups - Hiring support
Impact Emploi - CJE de l'Érable
- 1800 Saint-Laurent Avenue, suite 201
- Plessisville, Québec
- G6L 2P8
Services offered:
Coaching - Business start-up - Recruitment - Escouade jeunesse (creation of a cooperative)
College centres for the transfert of technology (CCTT)
Centre Collégial de transfert de technologie au service des industries du meuble et de l'ébénesterie - INOVEM
- 765 Notre-Dame Street East
- Victoriaville, Québec
- G6P 4B2
Services offered:
Applied research and analysis - Training - Technical support - Consulting services
Centre d'expertise et de transfert en agriculture biologique et de proximité (CETAB+)
- 475 Notre-Dame Street East
- Victoriaville, Québec
- G6P 4B3
Services offered:
Applied research and analysis - Training - Technical support - Consulting services
Centre of Social Innovation in Agriculture (CISA)
Visit the website
Services offered:
Applied research and analysis - Training - Technical support - Consulting - Open Living Laboratories (OLV)
Local Development Centers and RCM – Economic Development
CLD de la MRC de Bécancour
- 3689 Bécancour Boulevard, Suite 1
- Bécancour, Québec
- G9H 3W7
Services offered:
Coaching - Consulting services - Financing - Business start-up - Acquisitions - Facilities search
Corporation de développement économique de Victoriaville et sa région (CLD)
- 747 Pierre-Roux Boulevard East
- Victoriaville, Québec
- G6T 1S7
Services offered:
Coaching - Mentoring - Export consulting services - Financing - Facilities search - Space rental - Business start-up - Hiring support - City of circular innovation - Agricultural services - Industrial services - Commercial services - Tourism
L’Érable terre de créativité
- 1783 Saint-Édouard Avenue
- Plessisville, Québec
- G6L 3S7
Services offered:
Coaching - Consulting services - Financing - Business start-up - Business plan assistance - Training - Mentoring - Agri-food - Social economy - Local development - Manufacturing - Tourism
MRC de Nicolet-Yamaska - Développement économique
- 257-1 Monseigneur-Courchesne Street
- Nicolet, Québec
- J3T 2C1
Services offered:
Coaching - Consulting services - Financing - Business start-up - Growth - Agri-food - Mon commerce en ligne program
Société de développement économique de Drummondville
- 1400 Jean-Berchmans-Michaud Street
- Drummondville, Québec
- J2C 7V3
Services offered:
Coaching - Consulting services - Financing - Mentoring - Fully equipped offices rental - Facilities and lands search - Industrial incubator - Symbiose industrielle Drummond - Business incubation program - Mon commerce en ligne program - Hiring support - International hiring support
Chambers of commerce
Chambre de Commerce et d'industrie des Bois-Francs et de l'Érable
- 122 de l'Aqueduc Street
- Victoriaville, Québec
- G6P 1M3
Services offered:
Networking - Training
Chambre de commerce et d'industrie du Cœur-du-Québec
- 17905 des Acadiens Boulevard
- Bécancour, Québec
- G9H 1M4
Services offered:
Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Drummond
- 21 Heriot Street, P.O. Box 188
- Drummondville, Québec
- J2C 1J9
Services offered:
Jeune Chambre de commerce de Drummond
- 235 Heriot Street, Suite 140
- Drummondville, Québec
- J2C 6X5
Services offered:
Regional Development Cooperatives
Coopérative de développement régional du Québec (CDRQ), bureau Centre-du-Québec/Mauricie
- 240 des Forges Street, Suite 203
- Trois-Rivières, Québec
- G9A 2G8
Visit the website
Services offered:
Coaching - Consulting services - Training
Coworking spaces
La Station Espace Collaboratif
- 44, Notre-Dame Street, East
- Victoriaville, Québec
- G6P 3Z5
Services offered:
Fully equipped offices rental - Coworking space
La mijoteuse Espace collaboratif
- 235 Heriot Street, Suite 140
- Drummondville, Québec
- J2C 6X5
Services offered:
Fully equipped offices rental - Coworking space
Regional export promotion organizations (ORPEX)
Carrefour Québec International - Centre-du-Québec
- 338 William Street
- Drummondville, Québec
- J2C 3C3
Services offered:
Coaching - Export consulting services - Market research - International business plan - Training - Networking
Groups and associations
Corporation de développement communautaire - Bois-Francs
- 59 Monfette Street, Suite 130
- Victoriaville, Québec
- G6P 1J8
Services offered:
Corporation de développement communautaire - Drummond
- 1855 Saint-Joseph Blvd.
- Drummondville, Québec
- J2B 1R1
Services offered:
Networking - Office space rental
Corporation de développement communautaire - MRC de Bécancour
- 14875 Bécancour Blvd.
- Bécancour, Québec
- G9H 2L7
Services offered:
Corporation de développement communautaire - MRC de Nicolet-Yamaska
- 690 Monseigneur Panet Street, Suite 101
- Nicolet, Québec
- J3T 1W1
Services offered:
Corporation de développement communautaire - MRC de l’Érable
- 1578 Saint-Laurent Avenue
- Plessisville, Québec
- G6L 2P6
Services offered:
Networking - Grouping of community organisations and social economy enterprises
Manufacturiers Mauricie Centre-du-Québec (MMCQ)
- 4500 Charles-Malhiot Street
- Trois-Rivières, Québec
- G9B 0V4
Services offered:
Networking - Training
Pôle régional d’économie sociale du Centre-du-Québec
- P.O Box 24
- Nicolet, Québec
- J3T 1A1
Services offered:
Networking - Mobilizing, coordinating, promoting and supporting the social economy ecosystem
Regroupement des centres de la petite enfance - Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec
- 1947 Belvédère Street South
- Sherbrooke, Québec
- J1H 5Y3
Services offered:
Networking - Training - Professional support
Réseau Agriconseils - Centre-du-Québec
- 1940 des Pins Street
- Nicolet, Québec
- J3T 2A4
Visit the website
Services offered:
Consulting services - Financing
MicroEntreprendre Network
MicroEntreprendre Centre-du-Quebec
- 85 Notre-Dame Street, Suite 202
- Nicolet, Québec
- J3T 1V8
Services offered:
Coaching - Growth - Startup - Financing - Networking
Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDC) and Community Business Development Corporations (CBDC)
Centre d'aide aux entreprises (CAE) de Drummond
- 2570 St-Pierre Street
- Drummondville, Québec
- J2C 7Y3
Services offered:
Coaching - Consulting services - Financing - Start-up - Growth - Acquisition - Sustainable development
SADC Arthabaska-Érable
- 975 Pierre-Roux Blvd. East, Suite 101
- Victoriaville, Québec
- G6T 1T8
Services offered:
Coaching - Consulting services - Financing - Sustainable development - Circular economy - Écoprêt- Virage vert program - Carbone Scol'ERE educational program
SADC Nicolet-Bécancour
- 75 Place du 21-Mars, Suite 202
- Nicolet, Québec
- J3T 1E9
Services offered:
Coaching - Consulting services - Financing - Mentoring
Investment funds and firms
Fonds régional de solidarité FTQ Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec
- 7080 Marion Street, Suite 205
- Trois-Rivières, Québec
- G9A 6G4
Services offered:
Coaching - Financing - Training
Fonds de Développement Économique La Prade
Services offered:
Other organizations
CSMO Textile
- 1645 Haggerty Street
- Drummondville, Québec
- J2C 5P7
Visit the website
Services offered:
Human resources development for the textile industry - Training
Corporation de développement économique (CDÉ) de Nicolet
- 525 du Port Road
- Nicolet, Québec
- J3T 1W3
Services offered:
Financing - Coaching - Sustainable development
Evol Centre du Québec
- 905 des Bois Francs Blvd South, Suite 101
- Drummondville, Québec
- G6P 5W1
Visit the website
Services offered:
Coaching - Financing - Networking - Mentoring - Brigade-conseil
Organizations serving all regions
The activities of some organizations are not restricted to a specific region. Consult this directory in addition to the one for your region.