Call to shop local: a talk with Alain Dumas, General Manager of Panier Bleu

On March 12, the Chamber hosted the general manager of Panier Bleu, Alain Dumas, to discuss the future of the platform, its positioning as an alternative to global giants, and current retail projects.

Panier Bleu: an alternative to global giants

Launched in April to respond to the call to shop local issued by the provincial government, the Panier Bleu is a showcase for local products and merchants. 

During the talk, the general manager of the platform underlined that it will be gradually transformed into a marketplace, like Amazon, which enables clients to buy many products under one roof. 

“We are trying to create a consumer experience that is like Amazon’s, but in which the merchant is visible,” Alain Dumas said. “We want to bring back the idea of shopping local within a virtual marketplace.”   

He added that the Panier Bleu is working with National Bank and Desjardins to develop a financial and governance model that could be exported beyond Quebec’s borders.

“The Panier Bleu business model is highly innovative,” Alain Dumas said. “The time is right to develop this sort of ambitious model.”

Eight retail projects

“The most important issues in retail relate to foreign competition,” Alain Dumas said. “Over $40 billion in sales leaves the province.”

Alain Dumas took the opportunity to present the eight projects for the future of retail, which address the technological and logistical capacities of merchants, as well as the personal and transactional data security of shoppers. 

Gathered into working groups, more than 80 experts mobilized in the consultation process with merchants from across Quebec to develop their recommendations. 

Mr. Dumas concluded his presentation by adding that collaboration among all actors – merchants, clients, governments, investors – is needed to create a digital ecosystem “that responds to both the needs of clients and merchants.” 

The talk is available on the Chamber’s YouTube channel (in French only)

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