More information

Business Benefit

Did you know?

Membres benefit from an exclusif group insurance plan for SMEs.

  • Stable premiums
  • Financial fees 20% to 50% lower than the competition
  • NPO: surpluses stay in the plan and serve to lower your premiums

Get a free, no-commitment quote and compare it to your current insurance…The numbers will speak for themselves!

Go to website

The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal is:

  • Over 8,000 members
    Strong, committed, multi-sectoral membership.
  • 80% decision-maker
    Proportion of members holding a decision-making position in their company.
  • 150 activities per year
    Each year, over 20,000 people take part in our events.
  • Over 200 years of history
    A strategic player in our economic development for close to two centuries.
  • 95 experts at your service
    The Chamber team works for your prosperity and for that of the city!

Become a member

5 great reasons to become a member of the Chamber

Build new business connections

  • Take advantage of over 150 diverse networking opportunities each year tailored to all needs.
  • Enjoy 15% to 35% off registration fees for our events.

Develop your skills

  • Enhance your skills locally and internationally through our training workshops.
  • Access valuable information on resources available to help you start and grow your business.

Accelerate your company's growth

  • Showcase your business in our online directory, complete with your logo, description, video, and member-exclusive offers.
  • Boost your visibility by attending our events and leveraging participant lists.
  • Take advantage of our sponsorship opportunities to enhance your brand's reach.

Grow your business globally

  • Take part in our training workshops to master the essential foundations of international trade.
  • Attend our seminars to identify business opportunities abroad and meet international buyers seeking new partners.
  • Join our tailored trade missions, organized by our experts, to benefit from personalized meetings that match your specific needs.

Get involved in your community

  • Make use of our programs supporting the use of French in SMEs.
  • Promote the professional and social integration of young English-speaking Quebecers by building their confidence in linguistic and intercultural skills through workshops and internships.
Une illustration abstraite montrant des individus connectés par des lignes, symbolisant le réseautage et la collaboration. Le texte Chambre + est affiché au centre.

Chamber +: new collaborative online networking platform

(New service for our members)*

Accelerate your business growth with an intelligent, self-service matchmaking tool.
Enjoy fast connections and profile recommendations based on mutual compatibility.

*If you are already a member of the CCMM, please log in to the Members Area and click on the "Chambre +" button to take advantage of the benefits of this networking platform.

Become a member

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